Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Baby Shower

So last Thursday the women from my Sunday School class threw me a baby shower. It turned out great. The food and cake were absolutely awesome but the gifts that I received for baby Sidney were the greatest.

I am such a ding dong though.....I guess you can blame it on pregnancy brain but I forgot my camera. My good friend Abbi was kind enough to snap a few pics.....she is always handy with her camera (she never leaves home without it).

Thanks again Abbi for bringing your camera and taking pics.....You are helping me to remember my memories.....Lord knows I'm forgetful.
In other baby news.....I've been having contractions for awhile now, the doc put me on meds to settle my uterus down a bit and it seems to be working. He also changed my thyroid meds because my thyroid hormones were a bit off too. I'm just trying to fall apart here. All in all, everything is ok. Sidney is still as strong and healthy as ever. I go back in 2 weeks for another check up.
I will try and update more now that I am getting closer and closer to my due date and I will def try and get more pics on here of the growing belly. Its absolutely fascinating that I am making a human.....what a miracle.